Nurse Practitioner Board Exams

Prepare for Your Nurse Practitioner Board Exams using the StatPearls Question banks. The scale, scope and quality of our questions is unsurpassed. We have recruited more than 7,000 Basic Science and Clinical specialists from around the world to share their knowledge to help you pass your exam. We have QBanks for 34 exams.


About the Question Bank

We have recruited more than 7,000 Basic Science and Clinical specialists from around the world to share their knowledge to help you pass your exam.

Anesthetist (CRNA)
APRN - Advanced Health Assessment
APRN - Advanced Pathophysiology
APRN - Advanced Pharmacology
APRN - Advanced Physiology
APRN - Role Development Essentials
APRN - Theory and Research
International Trauma - ITLS
NP - Acute Adult and Gerontology
NP - Acute Care Pediatric
NP - Addiction
NP - Adult - Geriatric Primary Care
NP - Advanced Neurovascular Practitioner
NP - Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner (CVNP-BC)
NP - Continence
NP - Dermatology
NP - Diabetes Management
NP - Emergency Medicine
NP - Family
NP - Hospice And Palliative Medicine
NP - Midwife
NP - Neonatal
NP - Nephrology
NP - Oncology
NP - Orthopedic
NP - Ostomy
NP - Pediatric Mental Health Specialist (PMHS)
NP - Pediatric Primary Care
NP - Psychiatric Mental Health
NP - Urology
NP - Women's Health Care
NP - Wound
NP - Wound, Continence, And Ostomy